32 | Snowmobile VERMONT ORLEANS COUNTY Club News 2018/19 meeting in October. Please watch our Facebook page to see about upcoming information on Frigid Frost Fighter meetings, contact information, work days, TMAs, trail updates and other pertinent information. We want to wish you a wonderful and safe summer. We look forward to seeing you on the trails in the 2018/19 season. You can always email us at frigidfrostfighters@gmail.com. Bonnie Pierpont, Secretary Like us on Facebook Washington Snow Flyers As I sit here with sweat dripping off me, it’s hard to imagine that in five months it will be 20s with snow on the ground. There is not much to report, as members are busy with summer home projects. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for upcoming meetings and trail work days. If you would like to volunteer you can contact our trailmaster, Brian Farnham, at brianfarnham98@ yahoo.com or cell 802-272-0426. Think snow… it might help to keep you cool! Jim Wild, Media Manager Like us on Facebook Drift Dusters Snowmobile Club We are just coming out of the mother of all heat waves. We can only hope that we get the same but different this winter to get our base established early. Thanks to Track Inc. for getting our Tucker back up and running for the Newport Centennial Parade. She looks better than ever. The club would also like to extend it’s thanks to B&B Towing & Recovery, RG Gosselin, Inc., Desrochers Crane Service, Ray’s Auto Service, Tetreault’s Maple Farm, Gosselin Water Wells and Track Inc., among the numerous other individuals who stepped up to help our club this winter. The club has a handful of trails upkeep and maintenance projects, mostly dedicated at keeping water off our trail system due to culvert washouts etc. Keep cool and think snow! Michael Koehler, President driftdusters.com Like us on Facebook Glover Trailwinders Greetings from the Glover Trailwinders. We are in the midst of a heat wave as we submit news. It does not feel like snowmobile season! However, we know that time flies and fall and winter will come quicker than we’d like. On May 5, we held our annual fundraising event at Paul’s Sugar House in Derby. It is our raffle/ dinner/dance event. We all look forward to this annual event, great turkey dinner, music by ETA. Winners were as follows: 50/50 raffle prize of $344, Dustin Pray; First place winner of $4300, Kari Brousseau; Second place winner of $500, Danny Plante; Third place winner of $200 Robert Plante and Marguerite Descheneaux. Thank you to all the businesses that donated over 70 great prizes. We held our Landowner Appreciation and Club Supporter Cookout on June 23 at Jim and Nancy Rodgers’ home in West Glover. We had 40 people in attendance. The weather was unpredictable that day, so we were grateful for all that did come. It is a great time to get together to thank the landowners and club supporters that make it possible to have a great trail system. Phil Brown did an amazing job with grilling and smoking chicken, pork and beef. We had salads, baked beans, rolls and baked goods. Newport City celebrated their centennial the last week of June. Several activities were held, one of which was a parade. They also invited groomers from the various clubs in the Northeast Kingdom. Our club had our groomer, along with others at Gardner Park in Newport, for people to see, stop by and visit. Jim Rodgers spent time visiting with the people. Children were especially interested in the groomer. Our groomer will be serviced this summer and will be ready to groom as soon as the season arrives. Have a great summer! Thank you for continuing to support our club. Nancy Rodgers, News Correspondent glovertrailwinders.com Jackson Charest and Kassie Koehler enjoyed a view from the Drift Dusters’groomer as it was towed through the streets of Newport in their Centennial Parade.